Saturday, June 12, 2010
A Happy Day For Mr. Old Geezer
Sober for 32 years...
Today is June 10th and I am celebrating 32 years of sobriety. By the grace of God on June 10, 1978 - I quit drinking alcohol and have not had a drink since. Although the temptation is still always around me - God graciously took the desire away. Early in my Christian life I said this short prayer to God, - "Lord, if I ever start drinking again would you please strike me dead." So, the next time you visit The Old Geezer Blog and if you smell smoke and you see a big pile of ashes on your computer screen... you'll know what happened.But hopefully that doesn't happen and I die at a ripe old age and as sober as a judge
mr. old geezer's testimony was aleady posted here once but it is well worth repeating!
Who is the old geezer?
Believe it or not I wasn't born an Old Geezer.I was born October 12, 1946 in Los Angeles, California, USA I lived in Watts and Compton, California until I was almost 8 years old, with my mother, my father and my sister.In the summer of 1954 we moved to Lakewood, California. Sad to say I caused my parents a lot of anguish and problems. If I was a kid in Biblical times I would have been stoned to death. Today they would no doubt blame my bad behavior on some disease, but I was just rotten mean no good kid.When I turned 13 years old I started stealing liquor from some of the local markets and getting drunk with my buddies as often as we could. By the time I was 16 years old I was a full fledged alcoholic.By the time I was 21 years old I had been married, divorced with two children, arrested three times for drunk driving, one time for grand theft auto and two times for burglary and theft. I remarried in 1972 to a women who had a disabled child and we had one daughter together. She married into hell on earth when she married me and after six years was ready to divorce me.In 1977 God saved my wife and she started to attend the Baptist church near our home and a bunch of women in her bible study started praying for her rotten drunken husband. In June of 1978 I was at my nieces graduation party (drunk as usual) and fell off some steps and broke out my front tooth. The next day when I woke up I said to myself this has got to stop and I quit drinking 'cold turkey' that day and to this day 'praise be to God' I've never had another drink of alcohol.Earlier that same year I started a new job as a truck driver in Los Angeles. It was about 1 and 1/2 years later my boss had me work with a Bible thumping Christian truck driver for 2 weeks, who I later found out was a converted drunk. He asked me if I had ever read The Bible. I said yes I read it once about ten years ago. He ask me what did you learn from it? I didn't have a answer for him. He asked me if I had a Bible at home and I said yes my wife had one. He challenged me to go home and read the book of Proverbs.I went home and opened up my wife's Bible and read through the book of proverbs. I read about wisdom and foolishness, right and wrong living, good and evil and verses about drunks and alcohol that hit me over the head like sludge hammer. I feel under deep conviction about my sinful life and saw myself as living the life of a fool. It was Easter of 1980 when I shocked the whole family and told them to get ready because we are all going to church. Through personal Bible reading, attending a good Bible teaching church and listening to Christian radio, God had mercy on me and by His grace He gave me the faith to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and become saved.Fast forward thirty years: I retired a little over 4 years ago. I've been married going on thirty eight years, I've served in two churches as a deacon, a Sunday school teacher, an usher and have been actively involved in evangelism and discipleship.The Old Geezer has slowed down a little in the past few years.My primary ministry these days is helping my wife, my children, grandchildren, neighbors and sharing The Good News on... 'The Old Geezer Blog'."For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost (Ron)." Luke 19:10**********************
used with permission ..
Friday, June 11, 2010
Birthday Greetings Being Delivered To Georgia
here is the georgian home of amazing grace man aka grandpaw ron aka paparon, and today it is an exciting is brittani's 13th birthday.
as you can see grandpaw ron's is a home of faith where there is plenty of room for the can see the rules that his house lives by and they are certainly good rules!
princess is very proud of these rules because it makes for a very happy and peaceful household!
now as i was saying, it is brittani's 13th birthday but alas i missed taylor's birthday on may the 16th and so to be fair, i am going to celebrate her belated birthday today and i really don't think that her sweet sister, brittani will mind at all!
so...... first of all,,,,
happy birthday brittani and welcome to the world of being a teenager!
i can see that paparon will have to keep a good eye on have gotten so pretty!
trust me, that princess will have a hand in this too...!
and now for taylor, the little girl who all of us were praying for two years or so years seem very well and happy and it is your turn...
happy happy belated birthday sweet heart!
are you ten years old already?
and now this guy here really deserves a tongue lashing!
his sweet granddaughters who he has adopted[with the lord's help] as his own will be a bit disappointed in him for sure!
just look what he did right behind my back!
for sure and look what he DID!
he has swiped a big hunk of this lovely birthday cake that i had googled in especially for brittani and tayor and cole and noah[if they are at the celebration] and princess!
NOT NICE amazing grace man aka grandpaw ron aka paparon...not nice at all!
and by the looks of this fellow, i think he had something to do with the bad deed too!
we will surely have to sic princess on the two of them!
anyways girls...i wish you both a happy birthday and may the lord bless you!
you are the joy of your paparon's heart and the sunshine of his mrs. terry and mr. bernie
Monday, June 07, 2010
Ruby Tuesday Treasure Box mary our teach
today, as i was searching my brains for a ruby tuesday post, and coming up with just nothing...all of a sudden my eyes lighted on this little treasure box that was made for me by a friend who lived in el salvador.
long before i had a blog and really long before i even knew WHAT a blog was even, marina and i were emailing back and forth.
you see, one of our boys from the church had visited his homeland, el salvador and he had fallen in love with this beautfiful spanish girl with the shining brown eyes.
while in el salvador, they were married but because of the laws in canada, it would be several months that marina could move to canada...and so...after walter's return home, she was one lonely girl!
walter gave her email address to me and so we would write each other several times a week.
i sent to her almost all the pictures i had of her sweetheart and his family and the church family.
finally the glad day arrived that a big plane from el salvador brought the spanish princess to her waiting groom,,
and with her, she brought this lovely miniature treasure chest for bernie and me
on the the top of the little chest is a great scripture verse from god's word, the bible.
"Genesis 2:24
"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."
marina. although she had left her own country knew that her heart now lived in canada!
this is the side where we open the chest...
marina is an artist and i am so glad that she put many red hearts and several pink flowers all over the chest..just perfect for a ruby tuesday, eh?
one side says terry.
the other side says bernie.
and this is how the back looks and where the hinges do there job of letting us open and close the pretty little precious chest!
the bottom of the tiny chest doesn't say "made in japan" but instead, "made in el salvador", by marina our beloved spanish artist friend![not that i don't like to buy things that are made in japan!]
and here is the treasure that bernie and i have put in the small space.
small, indeed! but big enough to hold some treasured american coins with president kennedy's face and some canadian ones that hold the face of our dear queen elizabeth....two people who are heros of both mine and bernie's....and too we really respect that the american coin has the words inscribed, "in god we trust"....and we DO love our canadian national bird, the loon!
here is the wedding picture of walter and marina along with walter's two beautiful sisters, delmi and rena.
and here six years later, are treasures far better than gold,[priceless!] walter and marina's babies...fernando[named after his grampa] and sofia.
this whole new spanish family are very much a part in the gospel hall..
and the two kids, why...THEY play a huge part in the sunday school.
they love the crayon book song and here they are singing it with two of their friends.
sofia just turned four this week and i am just wondering where has the time gone!
happy ruby tuesday one and all and god bless terry