thursday was crown of beauty's 32nd wedding anniversary, another anniversary spent without her beloved husband ernie who's name means "battle to the death". this is a poem which you can find on crown of beauty's side bar;
When engulfed by the terror of the tempestuous sea, Unknown waves before you roll; At the end of doubt and peril is eternity, Though fear and conflict seize your soul:
When surrounded by the blackness of the darkest night O how lonely death can be; At the end of this long tunnel is a shining light, For death is swallowed up in victory!
But just think of stepping on shore -and finding it Heaven! Of touching a hand -and finding it God's! Of breathing new air and finding it celestial! Of waking up in glory -and finding it home!
crown of beauty says; "Today I celebrate my 32nd wedding anniversary.
Because Ernie is no longer here on earth, there is no celebrating in the real sense of the word...nevertheless it is still a special day to remember.
Today I thank God for the thirty years of our lives that my husband and I spent together.
And I thank Him for these past sixteen months of my life without Ernie. During these months, I feel like I have grown so much...learned so much...realized so much!"
and here i am putting in this song for her and praying that the lord will be her continuing comfort until that day that she will finally see her precious ernie.
today is a big day in idaho for mr. and mrs. mac and their whole family as they celebrate their gift from the lord, nathan's 14 th birthday. it seems just like yesterday that we were all celebrating his becoming a teenager! he has put a very busy year in, going to school, and growing in to a very delightful and handsome young man. nathan, here is a nice cake for you. if you notice there are fifteen candles burning brightly on this cake. you may blow out 14 of them and then little jacob can blow out the last one, ok little buddy?
did you all know that nathan is quite the hero? here is a post that i especially loved that his mom put it october 25th. mrs. mac writes;
Play and imagination are great tools for children to develop. Yes, some use their imagination in such a way as to become something outside their ordinary capability. Take my son, Nathan, for example. He is rather standoffish most of the time until you are invited into his social world. In this world, he is just an average (well maybe not so average .. but for him, it's average ;) kid with some of the similar likes and dislikes as any teen: A girl he's sweet on; the most current movies (albeit, still in the Disney mode); video games (OK, not the violent ones), and so on. Then there is his imaginative side. The one that comes out once in a while when he dons his 'Mr. Incredible' costume. A macho side that struts with his (fake) pumped up muscles to show the world that 'he's all that' (to quote a passe teen phrase). The imagination at play is hysterical from my view but important none the less. It shows me a more 'typical' side and what Nathan is capable of.
Yesterday our family went on a scenic fall train ride ... and for a few moments Nathan was able to SHINE while he pretended to be Mr. Incredible. Then the spell was broken when some nearby train patrons decided to laugh and cackle out loud SO much as to send him back 'inside' his being. Back to a standoffish little boy that has quirky behavior (autistic traits) and needs the protection of his family. But, oh for a few moments, he shined brightly!
for sure and nathan is a hero to his little nephew, jacob and a treasured little brother to his big sister, elizabeth!
the family and he celebrated a great christmas...a white one i do believe. when i saw the family christmas picture that mrs. mac had posted, i noticed that the little laddie wasn't there. when i read that he was a little camera shy and had escaped the scene, i soon found him and changed his mind about not only being part of the photo, but also giving the camera a real big NATHAN smile!
finally i must put another bit of writing that mrs. mac had about her precious child. mrs. mac speaks again; For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
this is the view that dad golden has from his front room window as he sits in his big easy chair. he asked me a few sundays ago to take a picture of his "dove tree" and he wanted me to post it on a ruby tuesday. i made it a legal ruby tuesday photo by putting around it a red frame..
for the rest of the ruby tuesday post, i decided to go into my old picture folders and i pulled out a few red tinted sunsets. this is the view i got as i was sitting in the front room of the elderly client that i was nursing. this is a sunset over lake ontario...still showing its golden colours. lights are twinkling in the windows from the homes across the lake. so peaceful and comfy these houses are.
as the sun lowers, it begins to dress into its red pajamas, the colour it has chosen for this particular evening. i have seen this same sun wearing light green, turquoise and mauve pj's.
a little sail boat has ventured on to the lake.
soon it is covered under the deep red sky and can hardly be seen.
the little boat is completely smothered in the darkness.
and the red waves lapping at the shore line under a now deep golden sky,
are also turning to dark blue and then black, as the world says goodnight to the sun who has gone to bed for the night. by the looks of this sky, i think that mrs. sun will be wearing her mauve pajamas tomorrow night!
happy ruby tuesday on this monday evening and have a good night sleep until then...god bless you! love terry
I grew up in a family of nine children and each week my mother didn't just send us to Sunday School,she came with us.
We heard the gospel week after week from the year 1956 but were not saved until 1967.
The summer of 1967 my mother,my sister, Betty and I were all gloriously saved.
From that year until now several of my brothers and sisters were saved, but my dad still remains on the outside.
It has been our prayer that he will be saved soon and then the family circle will be unbroken and we will all be on our way to heaven where we will meet the Lord and see our brother, David who has gone on before.