Today is a very special day for little Nathan, who is called little Gift
because that is the meaning of his name, "gift of God"!
He will be 11 years old today.
I found this very lovely poem and it is all about Nathan and every other little child in this world..
Thank God for little children,
Bright flowers by earth's wayside,
The dancing, joyous lifeboats
Upon life's stormy tide.
Thank God for little children,
When our skies are cold and grey.
They come as sunshine to our hearts,
And charm our cares away.
I almost think the angels,
Who tend life's garden fair,
Drop down the sweet, wild blossoms
That bloom around us here.
It seems a breath of heaven
Round many a cradle lies,
And every little baby
Brings a message from the skies.
Dear Mothers, guard these jewels,
As sacred offering meet,
A wealth of household treasures
To lay at Jesus' feet.
author....Frances E.W.Harper
Here is a song that the Sunday School kids love to sing:
When He cometh, when He cometh
To make up His jewels,
All His jewels, precious jewels,
His loved and His own.
He will gather, He will gather
The gems for His kingdom:
All the pure ones, all the bright ones,
His loved and His own.
Little children, little children,
Who love their Redeemer,
Are the jewels, precious jewels,
His loved and His own.
Like the stars of the morning,
His bright crown adorning,
They shall shine in their beauty,
Bright gems for His crown.
Have a very Happy Birthday Little Gift....Love from your Canadian friends Mr. Bernie. and Mrs. Terry
Mr.Shopper,the Cat says hi to Miss Holly the "Dawg"!.