mr. jim wrote his very first post on december 1 2005.
in the four years that he has been here in blogger land, he has endeared himself to so many people..
i would say that he is loved by one and all of us! http://jimmiehov.blogspot.com/
here is mr. jim's first post,
Thursday, December 01, 2005
"Just a couple [two] of words to welcome. This is my first attempt at blog writing and I don't have a message today. I want to see if it works.
bernie and i met mr. jim january 7 2007 through our good friend curious servanthttp://www.blogger.com/profile/4797906, and here is my first comment to him,
Dear Jim..."I just came from curious servants
Apparently he wants us to thank you for the suggestion you gave him about that beautiful post he just put on today and I am doing just THAT...Thank you!!...from Terry
God bless you both!"
sun january 7 2007
mr. jim has been our precious friend ever since!
he has shared his lovely family with us and in fact adi has come to visit a couple of times and katrin one time. adi piloted an airplane that was chuck full of my blogger friends pets and they all had quite a nice time here for a few days!
his granddaughter amber came along too. i am going to add the blog url of the reports of their visits to our southern ontario home.

both of these pictures are so true of mr. jim. he always has a listening ear when anyone writes to him for advice or for prayer.
ever since i have known him, he has been praying for dad golden who he fondly calls pop golden.
he also, no matter how busy he is slips around to my blog to sing happy birthday to the ones who are celebrating. i call HIM my singing telegram boy!
it was really cute this year that he came to the scarf sisters and sang happy birthday to donna!
if any of you know mr.jim just a little bit, you must surely realize how he loves to eat!
i really believe that this must be his favourite past time!
what is so maddening about the whole thing is that mr. jim eats all of that fattening food and he never gains an ounce!..grrrr...mom golden is the very same!
oh by the way..i got all of this food on the table from mr. jim's own blog.
now also you must know that mr. jim is a car enthusiast.
now as i am partial to red cars, myself and seeing as, after all i am the one writing this post, i put all red cars in this picture. i mean what can be cuter than seeing a little girl, wearing red rubber boots and standing beside a red truck, and a pretty girl wearing a red sweater standing beside an antique red car, and what can be better than that fellow[i have no idea who HE is] standing beside my little red car, and what can be better than the old guy in the middle hugging HIS red car. eh?
not to mention another old guy standing beside that antique red truck!
mr. jim has taken his sweetheart all over the world to exotic places and he is always so generous with the photos and great long post describing their adventures.
so, so nice!

now as far as i am concerned this is what pleases me the most about mr. jim.
he is a close friend of the lord and he is one man who lives his faith.
oh sure he doesn't talk a whole lot about it but he is a man of god.
so many times he has gone to spanish countries to help out with the children there who are in need of not only earthly food but also in need of spiritual food and a whole lot of loving and mr. jim is surely the person for that! http://teresaannegolden.blogspot.com/2008/03/mr-jims-story-of-salvation.html
so happy fourth blog anniversary mr.jim.
please keep up the good work because we all love you!...love bernie, terry and the fat cat.
just a few of adi's posts
hey mr. jim...you will have to sing your own anniversary song!
ah!! oh well i will do it then!
happy anniversary
happy anniversary
happy anniversary
happppyyyyy annnnivvversary!
to the same tune as freddy flinstone and barney used to sing it!
love terry
Dear Terry & Jim,
Happy blog anniversary to Jim.
Like you say, Terry, it feels like he's part of the family.
Terry, you've made an amazing tribute to Mr. Jim, his love and his life.
I'm just amazed about all the time and effort you have placed in this post.
I do hope you manage to warm Jim's heart, that's he good and warming smile also may come from the bottom of his heart.
Whenever I'm counting my blessing the two of you are among them.
Have a blessed 4th Sunday of Advent in Canada and Texas.
From Felisol
dear fel1sol...it did take time but mr. jim is worth it.
do you know that it was mr. jim that made you and me family?
i bless the day that this ever happened.
i will write to you later.
that bernie wants to go out!!
love terry
Thank you so very much, Terry. I can't tell you thanks good enough.
I don't deserve all this but I appreciate it so much. It was a very lot of work, I can tell.
Now: Please don't to this again for me. You have wished me happy birthday so grandly each year and now this.
So: Think of someone else now who would appreciate all that work (not necessarily the fuss, I don't need fusses either) and do it for them. It will mean a lot, I promise. And not just while reading or 'make their day,' but will make it for a long, long time.
Thank you again. I will link it to my blog. Others need to meet you.
How nice. Jim is a regular read for me. I love his sense of humor and all the great food helps too. What a well deserved post.
Have a terrific day. :)
happpy Blogiversary Mr.Jim!
sweet T, you do have a very good memory :)
Wow! You put a lot of work and energy into this post for Mr. Jom. I know he appreciates it and is proud of it because he is directing all of his blog traffic here!
Happy Anniversary, Jim! You have collected some pretty neat friends!
Happy blog anniversary Mr Jim.Good to be your friend.
Terry you have created such a charming post with your photo display and commentary. Hats off to you.
Happy Blog Anniversary Mr. Jim. A friend of Terry is also a friend of mine. Terry speaks so highly of you so you must be somebody with special qualities. Thanks Terry for this wonderful post. You indeed know how to honor your friends. Thanks for the post. Merry Christmas to you all. God bless you all always.
A find tribute to dear Jim! He is one of my blogging friends and one I have met in person. He and Mrs. Jim are both truly lovely people!! She is just as sweet as he is!
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