Well this is what happened to DD Christmas Day;
THIS isn't DD. This doggie's name is Kelsey but Uncle Bernie calls her Daisy! She has her glasses on so that she doesn't miss a thing. Mean while the owner of the glasses is blind as a bat as to what is going on.[Uncle Bernie]
What is Mama Rachel doing?
It seems that she is dressing up DD into a ruby red dancing outfit. He isn't even complaining,eh?
In fact he seems down right conceited about the whole affair!
"Mama Rachel, Just show Auntie the fancy shining jewels on the back of this baby. Plenty of great photo shots here, and ruby color photographs at that.That Furry Fluff guy has nothing over me! Eat your hearts out Furry Fluff, Daisy and Honey[Uncle Bernie calls HER Columbo}You just lay at my feet black Columbo...You with your sissy white stockings!
"Columbo is some sorry sport! Refuses to dance with me!"
"Mama Rachel tries to console me but no way!! SHE says she is too tired to be doing any dancing!
"My pleadings are useless! They are falling on deaf ears and she is cuddling that spoiled brat, Columbo. She always did like her better than me anyway!"
And I am just the cutest thing in my ruby red dancing suit!"
And the saddest thing!
Mama Rachel tells me"That's OK DD. Go and ask Uncle Bernie"
Uncle Bernie says he can't dance and I am sure that this is an untruth. Wasn't he just twirling and twisting around at cousin Amanda's wedding and at cousin Lena's wedding too? I SAW those pictures that Auntie took! Ya' can't fool me Uncle Bernie! You are just getting downright old and boring!"
The prize is on my head!
I am the dancing Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean King!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!