winter snows have finally arrived to the niagara peninsular and it was a cruel awakening..i cannot blame the snow queen of idaho, because for the last few weeks she has been wearing her "mother of the year" crown..she has been at the side of her pretty daughter who is giving mr. and mrs. mac another grandchild...and so i really don't know WHO i can blame!
the snow has changed this[our very last flower of the year who had been doing just fine]...
to THIS!..just look at that brave little face peeking through the cold!.....not a pretty sight!
here is another victim..the little red car really enjoys the sun but winter has changed it ...
to THIS!!
and it has put bernie to work!
oh well such is life.. and so the little red car offered to take us away from all of this.. saying so long to the snow covered sunday school van..we are carried away to bettys.
and betty carries us away to niagara falls where we will be picking up rachel from work.
rachel is a manager of wendys and she treats us to a late supper..the chili really takes away the chill from our cold bodies!
betty and her beautiful daughter, rachel.
rachel and her lovely sister, amy.
ha!..and you know who these two characters are!
well here is ruby tuesday in the background
amy who knows about my ruby tuesday and who has seen our beloved teach decided to take this picture. just imagine.... in the chill of a new winter, here we are standing in front of the ruby tuesday restaurant in niagara falls!
look at the ferris wheel in the is lighting up the night sky.
as we walk, we get closer..
and closer...
we discover that rachel and amy have planned a surpise for her mom and her auntie and uncle...
they have decided to send us up into the sky in that huge wheel ...up above.. high above the ground ...a ride and a look-see of niagara falls!
we aren't afraid at all..after all doesn't betty have on her ruby red coat?!
for sure and she is a real pro at riding this ferris wheel..just a month ago, she and her family spent a few days in niagara falls, enjoying this ride!
ha!..bernie is trying hard not to show that he is scared..he looks as white as he did years ago when we took a ski lift, in calgary way high to the mountain top...of course there was a little matter of a thunder storm on our way up...but it's all right! chance of a thunder storm HERE!..maybe a snow blizzard but NOT a thunder storm!
oh the glittering lights below were so beautiful!
blues and reds and greens and yellows...
sparkling like precious jewels!
niagara falls is pretty busy at night..the roads are filled with cars and the sreets are crowded with people..old people,young people and even babies being wheeled about by young mom's and dad's!
we have one more look at the skylon tower and we are satisfied...snow or no snow...a ruby tuesday visit to niagara falls was not too bad!
happy ruby tuesday everyone and thank you my best friend, felisol for your encouraging me to finally smarten up and put in a post!!...god bless you terry
today is mr. jim's birthday and i was so busy today and could not make this post earlier and so i thought i would do it in the early evening but alas!...bernie and i were so busy going to the door and popping in cans of coke into the trick or treat kids bags and now at nine o'clock, i finally have the time to wish to you mr. jim a very happy birthday and i hope that you have many more!
mr. jim has TWO birthdays
when mr. jim was a man, he so wanted to be a christian...and one happy day it happened jim has two birthdays in his life are his own words.
Jim said...
"These were the words spoken to me, personally, by the Lord:
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."
I had heard and read these words from the Bible, again in Revelations (Chapter 3, Verse 20), many times before. They were spoken to the people of the church at Laodicea in Turkey, many years ago. But one day, at a revival, these words became personal to me. I had wondered for years if I were really saved.
That day, in the pew, the words were whispered to me personally, from Jesus Himself, it was the strangest feeling I have ever had. [They made have actually been spoken by The Holy Spirit, I don't know, and it doesn't matter.]
I responded right then in a short silent prayer asking Jesus to forgive my sin and that I promised to follow Him and His commands from that day on."
mr. jim has lived many years since that marvelous day and his life surely proves that he is a true child of the lord jesus and if we never meet on this earth mr. jim, bernie and i will surely meet you on the other side...
i hope that you like this little sunday school song that many sunday school children have grown up with...i know you will like it because you love little kids!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY our dear texas friend and i hope that this year you will share a piece of this cake with my beloved niece, adi! bernie and terry
Hebrews 11:1 and passing-thru thanks for your comments , but I would like to add something . When I was very young and kinda poor but rich in family love I was taught to be blessed with what I recieved in life ! I was taught to want what was mine but to always give back what was not mine ? When my kids mom and I raised our children around the house, my kids, my wife and I could lay money , the kids could set a bag of candy - or whatever was yours on the fireplace mantle or bedroom dresser and if it laid there 3 weeks , when you went back to get it , it was always there ! This is not wrote to condemn anyone but there is not enough taught to respect what belongs to others ? I thank God everyday because my kids are living that every day in their lives ! I know that I'm a truly Blessed man !
Blessings to you all. Ps - I didn't mean to ramble to long ! Ron.
this was a post that my grandpaw ron sent to us over at pilgrim pals a while back and i thought it worth putting it here......grandpaw ron has been ill and has been in a hospital home for several weeks because of a bad fall....grandpaw ron lives the way that this post is written and even though he is having bad days, the people around him will surely realize what a great christian man he is....bernie and i miss him so much!
grandpaw ron wrote.
"Its not what you gather in life, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived “. Several years ago , a preacher from out-of-state accepted a call to a church in Houston, Texas. Some weeks after he arrived, he had the opportunityto ride the bus from his home to the downtown area. When he sat down he discovered that the driver had accidently given him a quarter too much in change. As he considered what to do , he thought to himself, “you’d better give the quarter back It would be wrong to keep it. ” Then he thought , ” Oh, forget it, its only a quarter. Who would worry about this little amount anyway, and the bus company gets too much fare allready, they will nevermiss it. Accept it as a gift from God and keep quiet.” When his stop came, he paused momentarily at the door, then he handed the quarter to the driver and said,” Here you gave me too much change. “ The driver, with a smile , replied, “Aren’t you the new preacher in town? I have been thinking a lot lately about going somewhere to worship. I just wanted to see what you would do if I gave you to much change. I’ll see you at church on Sunday. “ When the preacher stepped off the bus , he literally grabbed the nearest light pole, held on, and said,. “Oh God I almost sold your SON for a quarter .” Our lives are the only Bible some people will ever read. This is a really scary example of how much people watch us as Christains and will put us to the test ! Always be on guard–and remember–You carry the name of Christ on your shoulders when you call yourself “Christian.” ” Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits.Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” The moral is ” We will not be remembered by our words , but by our kind deeds.” Blessings to all. Ron."
CHICAGO (AP) - Jessy Dixon, a singer and songwriter who introduced his energetic style of gospel music to wider audiences by serving as pop singer Paul Simon's opening act, died Monday. He was 73. Miriam Dixon said her brother died Monday morning at his Chicago home. She said he had been sick but declined to provide additional details.
it was for his gospel singing - religious music that combined the rhythmic beat of blues, jazz and soul - that Dixon first gained attention. It was during an appearance at the Newport Jazz Festival in 1972 with his Jessy Dixon Singers that
Dixon also played keyboard with Earth Wind and Fire and guitarist Phillip Upchurch.
Dixon, who began studying music at age 5, aspired to be classical pianist but told The Associated Press in a 1997 interview that he always knew his talent was destined for use in the church.
Born March 12, 1938, in San Antonio, Dixon's professional compass was set by gospel music legend James Cleveland, who heard Dixon's teen group perform at a theatre in the south Texas city. Dixon said Cleveland liked the group, but he liked Dixon more and persuaded him to move to Chicago to join his group, the Gospel Chimes, as both a singer and pianist.
Chicago's South Side was the place to be for a gospel musician, especially in the early 1960s.
"Going to church was like going to school," Dixon said. At church, he heard the likes of Mahalia Jackson and blues pioneer Thomas A. Dorsey, who is credited with creating modern gospel singing.
"Reading his (Dor sey's) music and studying it, he was the one who wrote for Tennessee Ernie Ford, Elvis Presley and Pat Boone," Dixon said. "All these people were singing his music and were making it commercial."
Dixon credited the creativity of artists like percussionist Maurice White and blues singer Willie Dixon, no relation, inspired him to compose. He started with choral music for Chicago's Thompson Community Singers, for which he sat at the keyboards. Several of his early songs have become classics, sung in churches across America, including: "Sit At His Feet and be Blessed," ''These Old Heavy Burdens" and "I Love to Praise His Name."
His more recent compositions gained him even wider acceptance. Dixon's "I Am Redeemed," released in 1993, lingered on Billboard magazine's gospel chart for more than five years.
After his stint with Simon ended, Dixon rode a wave of increased gospel music interest during the 1980s to build a following in Europe.
During his 1997 inte rview, Dixon noted that when he first began touring on his own outside the United States in the 1980s, the small audiences didn't have much respect for gospel as religious expression.
"At first it was viewed as entertainment," he said. "But now when I go, they ask me to share my faith as a Christian."
In the United States, Dixon was a long-time fixture on composer and singer Bill Gaither's Gospel Series, video concert broadcast on religious oriented cable television stations.
During his career, Dixon was able to produce five gold records and garner several Grammy nominations.
Dixon, is survived by a brother and sister.
Diana Ross - "There's an element in Jessy's music that can't be mistaken. That element is love, and wow do I feel it." Bette Midler - "I've heard Jessy Dixon sing many times and in all of gospel music, Jessy Dixon is my favorite. Jessy Dixon has the gospel soul." Bill Gaither - "I have traveled with Jessy Dixon for the past several years and never have I been with an artists with more heart. He is the real thing." Natalie Cole - "Jessy's music is just like him, beautiful."
felisol who lives on the far side of the sea has her mother as a house guest and her favourite verse is John 1:16 "And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace." and so i am putting this hymn in for her.
have a blessed lords day mom ljung, gunnar, felisol, serina and terry
these two videos i am dedicating to my friend, maryellen who had to celecrate her birthday, sept 2, without her dearest husband who just recently went to heaven.. i pray that her beautiful family gave her a nice birhday.
you can find maryellen's lovely blog at this site..
romans 8 31What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
32He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
33Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth.
34Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.
35Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
36As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
37Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
38For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
still thinking of you dear felisol and praying for all of terry
i know that it is ruby tuesday but i thought that i would put this in for the next ruby tuesday will be the 26th and july 26 is mom and dad golden's anniversary and we have already started to celebrate. every evening when we go to dad and mom goldens, after supper dad golden wants me to put the computer on and to search for norway and mrs. mac to see what they are doing and then we have to put on google news, and then we start to google search on different singers that they knew in the "olden days"...ha!...when we looked for the song on you tube, "it is no secret what god can do"...the reason we wanted to hear it is because we told dad golden that stu hamblin had written that song at the request of one of his friends...after stu had gotten saved at a billy graham crusade, there was a change in his life and when his friend noticed and when stu told him about his new and changed life, well that friend told him, "you should write a song about that stu"...and so he did!...THAT friend was john wayne! anyways, in our search for that song, we ran into this treasure, "my home", a song that stu wrote for his wife and to tell you the truth, bernie and i were both in tears as we listened...the words in this song are so like mom and dad, so the same! so a week ahead of time i want to wish them a happy 64th anniversary...i think i will be doing a few more posts for the occasion and then next tuesday on the very day, i will make a ruby tuesday special post!
god bless you all this ruby terry
ps dad golden has a blushing face that shows all shades of red, so this post will surely do for a ruby tuesday!..hahahaha
dearest evelyn..i have been thinking of this hymn for a couple of days as i was thinking of you..i really love this...a few years ago when betty and i went to a southern gospel concert in north carolina, we heard charles johnson and his friends sing really touched my soul and was a help to me...i hope you like this!! from your cousin, terry
ps..your mom, my aunt vera had everyone of the bill gaither and friends vcrs and on one of those tapes, you would see charles johnson and the revivers singing, "i can't even walk without you holdin' my hand.
yesterday as i was on my way to pick up sunday school children, i had to first drop ma mere home.. ma mere is ma-mere to everyone at the gospel hall. she has many, many biological grandchildren but she is shared by everyone at the gospel hall! well anyways, about yesterday..she told me, "terry, i want you to come upstairs...i have something for you and bernie", and so upstairs i went, and THIS is what she gave to me! this place mat that she had made for us was so full of red that i just thought i would use it for ruby i must tell you though that the little red car had a nose way out of joint!."hadn't we", said the little red car, "gone out saturday and found a pretty house with a red roof. a pretty house just surrounded by crimson flowers, a pretty house and red flowers that we took PICTURES of and hadn't i been promised that you would use THOSE pictures for rubytuesday?" of course i had said that, but a woman's mind can be changed so easily, eh? and so therefore "voila!" is my ruby post! ma mere makes these place mats out of hundreds of christmas cards that she has saved through the mere is 92, i think, and so she told me that she would cut those cards up and give them some use. ma mere for years has crocheted and knit mitts. hats and baby blankets and sweaters for all of her own children and grandchildren and for all of her children and grandchildren that she has adopted from the gospel hall. now her kind and generous hands are almost worn out from all of this work. now her kind and generous hands are making place matts for her hundreds of loved ones. "oh, " she told me, "i can only make two a day, terry" "and" she continued, "you can wash it after you use it!" as if i WOULD!![USE them i mean]..ha this place mat is going to find a place right on my wall!!
happy ruby tuesday everybody and god terry
Isaiah 62:1 For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth.
it was felisol's [] dear mom's birthday july 2 and here it is july 6 and so we will have to wish her a belated happy birhday...actually it is five days late because in her beautiful country of norway it is already july 7! that's all right though because she knows that we love her, even though i am a little on the slow side!
now mom ljung is a blessed lady indeed..and so is her she is with felisol, gunnar, kel, and princess serina! all of their arms! her dearest husband who has gone on before and lives in heaven now is still always in her heart and so i have put him here in the picture. the blue forget-me-not flowers are her own..i lifted them off felisol's blog site!
and now, i am giving her for a birthday gift this little video..once, several months ago i put this same video in for amrita's mama but i don't think that mama will mind sharing it with mom is such a cute scene!
and NOW i had better go to google image and find me a birthday cake for this dearest of dearest lady who lives with her children on the far side of the sea!
when i asked adi's father, mr.jim if i could fly the three girls[adi, amber and katrina] over to our southern ontario, canadian home to celebrate july 4th day with us, he was more than willing but alas!..i don't think he asked his kids if they agreed! i had to wake adi up!
i had to use a fire cracker to wake up katrina...
and i had to yank that lazy red amber right out of her cozy bed!
poor little adi-girl had to take a bath because an air plane pilot has to be spanking clean!...and she had just had a bath in may for memorial day!..alas! alas!
big sister bp gave adi and katrina strict instructions to look after their passports and to always have a keen eye on their sister, amber!
guard the passport and guard what was inside of it!
adi's mugshot..
amber's pretty little face...
and katrina's mug shot!!
judging by her grouchy face, adi sure didn't appreciate "a getting out of bed early day", "a bath day" and "an instruction day"...after all wasn't this suppose to be a HOLIDAY!!..not a getting out of bed early day, not a bath day and certainly NOT a school day!
all in all as adi flew her sisters over the canadian border, she seemed happier and so did the other two girls...all of them had such chic hats!..all of them would show those canadians how to dress, huh?
we welcomed the texans with fire works and we hoped that they liked them...american july 4th fire works that were googled over from google images! oh dear! as reality struck in, amber was really getting home sick.. even though i did get mr. and mrs. jim on bernie's lap certainly did NOT work! made matters worse in fact!
amber, and katrina, heeding bp's instructions to keep a keen eye out for their sister, amber decided to go home!...oh but they were all so tired!..TOO tired to fly!
but never fear guys!...i contacted grampaw ron and begged him to send princess to fly that big canadian air plane back!...farewell, farewell, farewell, farewell, eh? american nieces....bon voyage!
they headed back to one of the greatest countries in the world! they bought for their daddy a real fancy tie!
and for mrs. jim a beautiful basket of flowers and as for adi?...why look at the happy smile on her face! for sure and she was back in time to do the job that mr. jim gives to her every julu 4th... maybe for mr. jim's birthday in october, i should invite the whole jim clan so that amber will not get homesick..amber has always been a bit spoiled but what is a person to do?........happy july 4th to the jims and god bless america!!
hey!!!..i am going to catch two birds with one stone...hahahaha..i am going to make this jim post a ruby tuesday!!
I grew up in a family of nine children and each week my mother didn't just send us to Sunday School,she came with us.
We heard the gospel week after week from the year 1956 but were not saved until 1967.
The summer of 1967 my mother,my sister, Betty and I were all gloriously saved.
From that year until now several of my brothers and sisters were saved, but my dad still remains on the outside.
It has been our prayer that he will be saved soon and then the family circle will be unbroken and we will all be on our way to heaven where we will meet the Lord and see our brother, David who has gone on before.