Thursday, April 02, 2009

happy 26 years donna and ron


donna said...

Bless you Terry for this....recuperating from surgery and always thinking of others...I praise God for him and that he is still putting up with me after all these years...we both love Anne Murray and this is one of our favorites....

thank you....I am keeping you close in prayer each you recover...

love you

Terry said...

How fortunate can one girl be donna.
you married the handsome prince and then a few years later you met his king, the lord jesus christ...
so terry.

love you too.

Felisol said...

Dear Terry,
nice homage to Danna and husband.
Even better to see you wandering around the net.
From Felisol

Felisol said...

PS Serina could use a small amount of prayer support for tomorrow.She's delivering a presentation of an important project at school.
Just a small reminder.
From Felisol

Jim said...

Hi Terry, aren't you special! You wouldn't miss a birthday or anniversary even on your death bed.
I have heard of people putting keys on their computers. You could do that and give Bernie the keys. Then when you are able to blog a little Bernie could LEND you a key.

Happy anniversary # 26, Donna and Ron!
Happy anniversary # 26, Donna and Ron!
Happy anniversary # 26, Donna and Ron!
Happy anniversary # 26, Donna and Ron!
Happy anniversary # 26, Donna and Ron!
Happy anniversary # 26, Donna and Ron!
Happy anniversary # 26, Donna and Ron!
Happy anniversary # 26, Donna and Ron!
Happy anniversary # 26, Donna and Ron!
Happy anniversary # 26, Donna and Ron!

I am improving with my singing but no one can tell.

Keep on keep'n on, Terry. Just don't overdo things. Do you have a remote controller for your pacemaker? You could give that to Bernie.

Amrita said...

Happy anniversary Donna.

Felisol I shall remember Serina in prayer too.

Constance said...

There you go, recovering from surgery and still thinking of others!

I remember my Mom being restricted in her mobility for a while after she received her pacemaker. The first time she flew was interesting. Couldn't go through he security scanner and they have to use a hand held one.

She does the "reading" over the phone as well as the scheduled doc visits. She has adjusted well and I am thankful to still have her!

Get well soon!

Jada's Gigi said...

Glad to see you are back at blogging and feeling more like yourself. and like Trish Do remember everything! :)

Mrs. Mac said...

That is the cutest picture of Donna and her husband on their wedding day. Happy wishes to them both.

Miss Terry ... I surely hope you are getting plenty of rest. I know you have taught that Bernie fellow how to cook, clean, bring you tea, and bake some scones to 'help' you heal all the quicker ;) Tell him I said hello.

Saija said...

i see you are back to encouraging others & sharing their happy moments ... :o)

happy happy to donna & hubby ...

and you keep getting stronger & feeling better!

Trish said...

Miss Terry you are so thoughtful!
And I sure do love me some Anne Murray songs!!!!
Pray you are getting stronger everyday.