He, as usual phoned us at 7:00am as he does every morning and everything seemed to be just fine.
At 8:30 , as I told my friend Felisol, Mom phoned and exclaimed that Dad had fallen and wanted us to come right away!
As we were hurrying to get ready, the phone rang and this time it was the fallen man himself on the other end of the line, "I am alright.
You don't have to come."
Well Bernie and I decided that we should come anyway and spend the day with him.
Better safe than sorry!
In this picture, my dad is looking at his wound..the wound that Mom had tenderly bandaged up.
I must say it was a pretty good job that she had done.
So why my dad would decide to take it off, I don't know!
But tear it off he did!
Instant bleeding!
No more bandages!
Number two daughter, yours truly, had to patch him up with cotton and wrap it all around with duct tape!
NOT good!
This was NOT a pretty sight!
But what was a person to do?
Well, call number one daughter of course!
I called my sister, Betty, and told her that I was going to purchase supplies and asked her if I could pick her up for nursing duty.
Betty happily came over to tend to Dad .
I think that Dad Golden was thoroughly enjoying all of the attention!
In the meantime, Mom Golden got up and after Dad was all patched up again, she and Betty had time for a little visit.
That mother of mine annoys me sometimes.
Here she is in an old kimono and she still looks gorgeous!
She could wear a potato sack and STILL look like a queen!
Not fair!!
Dad had Bernie put in the air conditioner...
And THEN, it was time for that smart husband of mine to put together a wooden wishing well that Dad had purchased for my mom for no special occasion other than "just because".
Mom took me out to the balcony to show me her "garden" and I just had to take a picture of it!
Here is a picture of the wishing well that Bernie had finished putting together.
Mom seems to be very pleased with her gift from Dad.
These pretty carnation flowers were given to mom by her sister Aunt Marion.
Bernie is rewarded for all of his hard work by being given the great privilege of signally -handly doing the dishes..
Great Grampa Golden is NEVER too tired or NEVER too hurt to give an ice cream stick to his little friend, Jordan.
At the end of a long and busy afternoon, Dad Golden and Bernie decided to relax a little and watch the news..
Mom had baked him a birthday cake and the poor fellow had to light his own candle.
I say candle [singularly] because there wasn't a birthday candle in sight , just this fancy candle that mom uses when there is a power failure.
Here, Mom and I, sit and enjoy a cup of tea with Eric standing behind...................while........................
Here, Mom and I, sit and enjoy a cup of tea with Eric standing behind...................while........................
Forget about his being the birthday boy and all.
He got a cake didn't he?
What else did the boy expect?
Great Grampa Golden is NEVER too tired or NEVER too hurt to give an ice cream stick to his little friend, Jordan.
Uncle Eric is here holding him.
Eric is going to take him out for a drive because the little guy was just being too lively!
Not good for a sick Great Grampa!

Before he leaves, Eric has strict orders for Grampa Golden to watch his step and to be very careful NOT to fall!
Before he leaves, Eric has strict orders for Grampa Golden to watch his step and to be very careful NOT to fall!
At the end of a long and busy afternoon, Dad Golden and Bernie decided to relax a little and watch the news..
I must say that this is not a typical Sunday for the Golden Clan.
It is a rare Lord's Day for sure that we miss the "breaking of bread" worship meeting, or Sunday School!
I think that the Lord would really not blame us!
I know that my dad is the sheep that is fallen into a pit and Sabbath day or no, he surely needed our help.
Great post and great photos! Good for you guys to take such tender care of your parents.
Gotta run!
God bless you,
Lil Pilgrim pal
Dear Terry,
I'm so glad it all turned out well for the Clan.
Your Bernie must be like my Gunnar, setting himself aside when the family needs him.
Look at that wishing well, he is quite a handyman, as I said, just like mine. Would not trade him for a million.
Hi Terry,
So glad to hear that your Dad's fall wasn't too serious. You two are so devoted to your parents. I know they appreciate it. Great pictures!!
That was a nice little stroll through your Sunday!
what a great post!!!
God bless
Terry this is a wonderful post and I enjoyed it very much and glad Dad Golden is ok ! But you need to be careful not to hurt my friend Bernies feelings about what you wrote about Him doing the dishes just because He got a well deserved birthday cake ,and you didn't ! Just to think I was about to take you off the mean list ? I guess you live and learn ? Blessings . Ron.
Hi Terry -- You are a good daughter.
Did you know that you don't have to be old to fall?
My dad used to tell me that "everybody falls now and then, don't they?"
One thing though, older people bleed more because generally they are on blood thinners and aspirin. Even at my age I take those.
Terry - late in the seventies I came across an orphan of Mueller home - Edith Larby , she was in Mueller home in 1906 when I found her thru Mueller websites , she was living in Sunrise, a cottage near Mueller Home - she served by faith alone , all her life with her sisters , a nurse by trade she operated homes for unwed mothers and missionarys during the war years and afterwards - she wrote two books of which I have - Brackenlea and God's Ways - U can get them thru the evangel christian book store in bristol england - she used to have wonderful stories of God's dealings - God's Ways the isbn # is 0 9503839 2 9 - We used to talk on the phone with her - have more to say on her and other things - one time in early eighties , I had a burden for her -didnt know why - just felt I had to send her $500.00 - my wife agreed (we only had a thousand dollars to our name - with 4 children , well , U know what I mean - I sent it off to England - later, I found out - that the day after she recieved it, her big cast iron stove burned out - she lived by faith in Sunrise cottage and put up missionaries for rest and recuperation - plus her phone bill was way over due so all in all - her bill came to just slightly under the 500 dollars for the phone bill and new stove - , Edit lived all her life this way, trusting and serving - she never requested or hinted of needs - George Mueller left a legacy of a PRAYER HEARING GOD - neat stuff, this business we find ourselves in - in HIS SERVICE , passing-thru
Hi Terry, Your Bernie sure got a work-out on his Birthday. That tells me how good-natured he is. Thats the way my hubby is...always helping out anyway he can. Well, unless I'm sewing and want him to come sit and keep me company. That last all of 2 minutes! grin. Glad your Dad's fall wasn't any more serious....Hope you are having a good day. Your Mom's wishing well is really nice=)
A Day In The Life Of Dad Golden ... quite a nice little picture story you presented. Mom looks so pleased with the wishing well :) Thanks for sharing your day ... glad your dad's fall was not too serious ... did you really use duct tape???
Mrs. Shirkie...
I hope you get this comment all the way back here, but I thought I should scroll down a lot to give you this "heasd-up" without the Boss knowing...
Tomorrow (Tuesday, June 5) is the Little Fish's 27th birthday...let's all write him a little note on the Pilgrim's blog tomorrow and wish him a happy brithday, and maybe just maybe he'll read it, and maybe (but I might be dreaming now!) he'll comment. It doesn't hurt to try, does it? Please let me know if you get this today (if it's a reasonable hour that I'll be checking here, that is). Since you're up at midnite, maybe you should be the first to start the whole thing...I already gave jel and Saija a heads-up, but if you think of someone else who might appreciate a bit of fore-knowledge, please pass it on. Let's see hwta kind of a surprise we can give those Fishers, eh?
lil pilgrim pal-- who's little sister, "lil Montreal girl" first reminded me of the upcoming birthday
Dear Hebrews 11:1..
I just think that you are doing an excellent job in this matter, you and the little Montreal girl.
Count me in, eh?
Let's just FILL that Pigrim Blog right up!!
Hopefully the little Fish will be celebrating a Monday victory, along with his birthday!...from Pilgrim Pal Mrs. S
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