I would like to dedicate this posting to my friend, Sammy Adams.
This beautiful macaw belongs to Wess and Susan Adams and has been used in telling Bible stories to children. He can recite several Bible verses and was just learning how to sing "Jesus Loves Me" when he disappeared some weeks ago.
This has been quite a loss to his parents, Wess and Susan.
With the help of his mother, he had been in the midst of writing a childrens' book about Creation.
If you would like to see more pictures of him you can find Wess and Susan at Wessadams.com
While you are there check out the cd that Wess has just made with Allison Durham Speer[daughter in law of Brock and Faye Speer].
I listened to it for the first time this evening and it was so beautiful. On it is one of my favorite hymns.."How About Your Heart?"
Just lovely Wess and Susan and I am anxiously waiting for the order that I put in!!
Hi Terry,
Thanks for stopping by my blog! You have just wonderful photos!!
Take Care,
What a surprise to Sammy on your Blog!!! With tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat, I read your comments. Sammy was so very special and I miss him so much. I struggle to understand just what God has in store for Sammy's Ministry, now that he is gone. I feel so lost and am waiting for a direction.
We pick up the CD on Saturday just in time for Wess' concert that evening. Your's will be in the mail on Monday. Now you will able to HEAR the rest of the project.
Thank you again for remembering Sampson the "Big Blue Bird"
With the Joy of Jesus Inside, (still)
Susan and Wess Adams
awww, so sad for susan and wes ... though if sammy knows scripture & bible verses - can you imagine the folks he might be reaching in a most unexpected way? God always has a reason ...
Such a pretty bird! I thought maybe they had found him by now. :(
I was thinking about that last night--wouldn't it make for a neat story for a bird like that to be kidnapped, and then he sing/talk to his kidnappers, in turn making them so curious they ended up going to church or something? Susan, maybe you need to write another children's book!!!
Saija and Morgan,
Sammy just may be on a Mission Trip in Mid-Tennessee!!! He could give a new meaning for the term witnessing. A new book, HUMMMM, I'll have to give that some though.
I'm sorry to hear that Sammy is gone...& hoping he will fly home or to another caring family who will give him safe harbour. There is a couple who live a couple of miles from us who found a pet bird...forget what kind just now..sitting in a tree outside thier home. They had someone climb up and get him and he lived happily at thier home for several years before his demise. The funny thing was this couple (he was a pastor I believe) had no notion of how to care for a bird, but they did just fine, and asked everyone around...did anyone lose a bird?~~~About cello lessons, I am in my 4th year. The Lord has blessed me...with the opportunity. Thanks for coming by knittingkat to chat with me...I love your visits! Better go, I've some sewing to do and then back to the library sale. I was there this am and bought plenty but they will be offering cheaper prices toward the end of the sale and I thought I might get a deal on some children's story books for my grandson who is a doll baby, and going on 3. He loves to 'read'. Hope you are having a pleasant Saturday!
Hi Terry,
Thanks again for your kind words on my blog. It was another great Sunday, hearing a Wonderful message from Philippians 3 at church this morning! I can relate to you in the 'joys' of 'borrowing' children. I have yet to have children, but I do have small cousins, who I adore and enjoy spoiling rotten and then 'returning' them at the end of the day!!
Have a great day!
Hi Terry, I just came across your comment to me about your sister & sewing table skirts back before you were married. I don't know how I missed that but I've just enjoyed it now..smile. So, you are a wonderful cook...thats a huge plus in life. I cook to get by, and sometimes I come up with something extra good and sometimes just something...smile.~~You know, in high school, I loved to sew, it intimadated me and to a point still does...I go at it cautiously and not with vigor and my daughter is just the opposite. She glances at the pattern directions, whisks them aside and often says, I can do that another way thats so much easier...and before I know it, she has sewn the whole item. Just writing this is an eye-opener for me. I've gone through my whole life as a 'hang backer' (sounds funny, but you know what I mean I hope) and my daughter has gone at life with a gusto and energy that has given her high yields. I need to do some of that...good thing I came over to visit you and learned this about myself...grin. I could be a lot more productive than I am..eh? Hope you have a good day, we're having sunshine and warmer temps today here....hurray!!!
Hi Terry-
Just swinging by to say hi and (finally) catch up on my blog readings!
Thank you so much for all of your comments on my blog- I always love reading them! I'm so thankful and I feel so blessed for having met you through the "Fisher connection"!
Aw...what an adorable bird! So sad he's missing. He looks SO strange being a tropical bird getting snowed on! He's such a cutie! Did they ever find him? My sister lost a bird once and ended up finding him three days later...he had crawled into a hole in their mattress and stayed there for three days. Since it was dark he had slept through most of it I guess thinking it was night time, but by the third day I imagine he was pretty hungry and decided to start making a fuss. She was able to rescue him from the mattress. =) He survived, but later on...I can't remember how long after it was, he escaped and flew out an open window, never to return. Which is fine by me...I'm afraid of birds! lol:) I love to look at them as long as they are FAR away from me or at least our of harms way from me. lol..my aunts pet bird tried to attack me when I was little and I've been afraid of them every since. What's a girl to do? haha, Love, Jessica
Ty says "Hello Terry!!!"
Aw Jessica...The poor little guy!
Never saw him again,eh?
Once my sister, Sandra gave Betty a nice couch and she came up minus one cat.
In the mean time at Bettys', the couch was making some kind of ruckus.It was trying to walk away or so it seemed as a big bulge in the linings was clawing like crazy,so forcibly that it was moving the couch slowly across the floor.
And this was no bogey man.
Turned out that Sand's cat who is a afraid of people[just like YOU are afraid of birds, Jessica]ran for cover when Betty's husband and boys had come over to pick up the couch and jumped RIGHT into the inners of the couch that was being picked up and leaving home forever!
One free ride over to Aunt Betty's!!
Sandra had to come over to Bett's house and coax the silly creature out because there was nobody in this whole wide world that that "Jordan" woud trust other than his mother!
hi Terry...
my son just loves the picture of your little bird! well BIG bird I should say. I've always wanted a mckaw's (?) we used to raise cockatiels and I LOVED it.. we'd hand feed them and everything. Gavin had one last summer and it was the nicest bird to him , it would let gavin push it around in a box and just follow gavin around the house, suprised it never got smashed but he loved it!
You are right Amber.
Sampson IS a "macaw".
I went back and corrected it!! Thanks... Love Terry
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