now i was chided by my boy sonny[the little guy i used to babysit in my beloved manitoba]..as to "WHY i hadn't put in my ruby tuesday post"?
and i was also chided by the little red car as to "WHY i haven't featured her for quite a while"? and so here it is you two..my dec 21 ruby tuesday!
http://mydunnvillegarden.blogspot.com/....sonny's ruby tuesday is just INCREDIBLE!!!
we had quite a nice fall to begin with.....here the little red car has just a sprinkling of light snow....for sure and the grass is still green!
i was invited by "little red riding hood" [as amrita calls the little red car.]...to just stand by her wearing my sisterhood red scarf and have bernie take our picture.
..and then i took bernie's picture ...he was wearing MY scarf!
and then alas!...woe is me....that mrs. mac "idaho snow queen" struck southern ontario and dumped a huge load of snow!
for sure and i DID take a picture of the "covered in white" little red car but in no way would bernie and i stand beside her for a photo shot...NO WAY! !
have a happy ruby tuesday sonny, little red car, and even YOU mrs. mac and amrita and every body else....especially our beloved teach mary............god bless you all ....love terry
THIS is for you mrs. idaho snow queen... for sure and it is almost christmas and so i will hold no grudges!
....this doesn't mean you can dump more snow in january!
Well .. I knew that Bernie fellow really wanted a white Christmas. Now you have one. Keep warm .. we had 41F here today .. almost warm enough to hang out the laundry! You two look great .. but I think you need to get out and play in the snow :)
aw mrs. mac...that bernie fellow doesn't have time to play in the snow becuase i am keeping him busy doing the laundry. he can't hang it out on the line...it would freeze solid!
not fair your being the snow queen that you should be having such warm weather!
where is the justice in this world?
love terry
Oh, Terry how nice to see you and our scarf again!
The snow queeen is at work here too...it has snowed most of the morning. But I find it lovely and peaceful.
Merry Christmas to you and Bernie!
Wow Terry thanx ever so much for the plug for my Blog for Ruby Tuesday. It was so kind of you to give me such a great plug for Blog!!!! You have more snow than we do and since you are playing songs about letting it snow, bring a shovel next time you visit !!!!!!! Just kidding.
Guess what, I am at almost 300 entries already in my Blog, that is incredible. I have to already think what I will do for that 300th one!!! Thank-you for such a great Idea. I would not cone it on my own.
I will be posting a message from Christ yet to-day or to-marrow morning to talk about Christmas.
Oh such lovely pictures Terry.
Christmas greetings to Bernie and you
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