Nathan, the handsome boy under the big red hat is thirteen years old today!
Nathan, you gift from God you, here are some words from your Mama that I took from her blog.
They are very precious and are worth repeating...
Mama Mac says;
It's hard to believe that my Nathan will be a teenager in March. He is very tiny and the thought of him being 13 just blows me away. Today when I picked him up at the bus after school, he told me he wanted to invite a girl to Mama's house. Now mind you, anyone not tuned in to his language would not have picked up what he was saying ... but, this mom knows his heart and babble to understand him quite well. Maybe over the Christmas break, he can have a very supervised visit as they were caught kissing in the pumpkin patch on a class field trip in October. It's gonna be a rough few years ahead, I can already tell ;)
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to Nathan,
Happy Birthday to you!
Nathan... Mr.Jim's daughter Katrin and his grand kids, Adi and Amber are singing the song but all of your Gramma's friends from all over the world are wishing you a very Happy Birthday too!
Thirteen years old!
Just Nathan.

Mama Mac continues;
People, do you know how blessed I am to have someone saying "I --- love --- you" mommy with eyes and body language that oooozes affection 24/7? Parents that have s-l-o-w children are in a select club ... be it not one we chose to be in ... but one in which God has placed us. The best place to be is in God's place ... the blessings are awesome.
Nathan's Team Mates

I'm in awe of you my dear son ... you have shown me and blessed my days with your sweetness. Our family would be incomplete without you! Although trying at times, you have made our family more sensitive to the needs of people with special needs. Thank you for being who you are, wonderfully made by God.
Hugs & Kisses,
the label Cognitive Impairment leaves little to the imagination that my child has a heart as big as the state of Texas and a smile that goes from ear to ear. It also doesn't mention the fact that each morning when I wake up my little mister will smother me with pats on the back and hugs around my neck, nor the numerous times a day he reaches up to give me a kiss. I think I'll change his "label" to read, Mr. Sunshine! That is a more exact description.
The Beginnings!

Mama's last words for her angel of a son!
I can't imagine life without my little "angel" ... he adds a new dimension to life. His given name means "strength from God" ...Happy birthday little man!
http://scentedgeranium.blogspot.com/ Mrs Mac
A maga happy birthday to the happiest of boys.
Precious gift, Nathan!
From Felisol
Happy Birthday French Fry Man! If I lived near to you we'd go to McDonalds together and celebrate your special day!
Terry, this is the most awesome Birthday post I think you've ever done. I send you love and hugs for being such a sweet and loving sister!
A very happy birthday Sunshine boy.
I join in the birthday celebration too.
Terry you have so clevery edited the photos - you are genius at this.
Yes...This boy has been special to all of our heats since we first met him at Mrs. Macs a few years back.
Amrita, it is not genius that took the photos of this precious child. It was pure love that brought out that smile, eh from a photographer with a mothers heart!
Felisol, Miss Patty and Amrita aren't we the lucky ones that Mrs. Mac shares her treasures with us?....Love Terry
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATHAN,[Strength from God!]
Happy Birthday Nathan...I love that your name means Strength from God.
Aaah, Miss Terry ... I need more tissues please! This was a most special post for me to see my birthday boy shining today. I'll post the latest picture ... a left over from his new passport today ... and maybe a few from his school field trip to the bowling alley. Mr. Mac and I are going to meet him over there with a birthday cake in a few hours. Hugs and most thanks for your big, kind heart.
Mrs. Mac
Happy Birthday Nathan. May you grow up to be a man of God just like your parents. Here's praying for more of God's blessings for you and your family. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.
Yes, Miss Terry you have outdone yourself! You have the most giving heart...this sister thanks you!
Happy Birthday, Nathan! Wow, a big thirteen! That makes you a teenager now, wow!
Adi and Amber had a very nice time up there at the party. They got in this morning, pretty tired but after their nap now they are ready to go again.
Again, Happy Birthday and Congratulations on getting to the BIG 13!
Hi Terry, I showed Mrs. Jim at those nice pictures and about the nice party you had for Nathan. She really did like them. She liked you too! And she liked all those pictures of you! You made her very happy.
Mrs. Jim and I are both excited about what you did here. There were so many pictures of Nathan, I hadn't seen near all of those.
Again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NATHAN. HAPPY BIG 13! Our last wish is have a very happy teenage life.
Being a teenager is just great.
Dear Terry, That is so sweet, I'm wiping the tears from my eyes. Love is so wonderful...so priceless. Its been a treat to read your post and enjoy it. You did a wonderful job. with love, Maggie Ann
I tried to post a comment before...it was lost in cyberspace!
This is an awesome post Terry! You are incredible...and I know that Cathy thinks the world of you for doing this!!!
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