Dear Julie and Andy,
At last!
I have obtained a sunrise after looking for so long.
Not in time for your anniversary, so I thought that I would put a pretty little princess into it instead.
I have put in the anniversary picture that I had to settle for of you and Andy but I know that you love the fall, so I don't think you minded that too much,eh?
The little lassie is just beginning her life as the sun is just starting it's day.
And surely as you guide her little steps..."Joy WILL come in the morning"!
May the Lord bless you!!
All three of you!!.............Love Bernie and Terry
Thank you so much Jel for sending me your sunrise!!
Thank you Terry...that sunset picture with my little sunshine in it is BEAUTIFUL! And of course, I like the picture of Andy and I also.
I've tried many times to put that picture in and blogger doesn't like it! Even yesterday, I got 5 pictures on and then I tried that one and no such luck!!!
I'll send people over here to see it!
Thanks again,
Julie...Let's try something.
Jessica had a hard time posting a picture I sent to her so I will try what her freind did for her did and send you an email with that picture smail size instead of normal size.
I will see when I get home if it has worked. On my way out the door!!...Love Terry
you did a great job on the picture!
It's so wonderful that you know she is a princess : )
Remember that line in A Little Princess? She said, I so agree:
"I am a princess, ALL girls are!"
OH my goodness Terry...Those spammers need to leave you alone! I had to keep scrolling down just to get past all of that. Speaking of that picture you sent me, I have gotten SO many comments on that one...I've shown it to people who have come over and the first thing they all think is that it's real! haha...Isn't that GREAT!?! You did a really good job with it...it has everyone bluffed until I tell them you just fixed him on Ronald's lap! haha...Thought I'd drop by and say hello! By the way...Ty has TWO teeth now!!! =) Love, Jessica and Ty
Dear Jessica...Thanks so much for telling me this. I never realized it.
I think that I better put a word verification in so I will not get anymore spammers in here!
Thanks so much!
Ty when you coming back to Canada, eh?
Peter Pan will fly you over anytime and now that you have TWO teeth, you can have a Big Mac with your fries!! Our treat!!...Love Terry
There it is Jessica,
I will be the first one to have to spell the word out.
A real nuisiance, eh but at least I won't get unwanted mail!
How special!!
Hi Terry, hope you've had a good week so far, just stopping in before bed to say hello. I'm getting to bed late again and I always read a few pages or more of the latest book I'm reading..in bed...but of course. So that makes me even later. Talk to you later, with love, Maggie Ann
You are so talented with the photo images! A dear friend that always remembers others. How is sweet Lady Katherine?
Coming by to say Hi. Hope all is well with you. I'm off to bed soon...we've had such wonderfully warm weather here...I hope it sticks around another day at least.
Hello Terry how have you been. I have not heard from you in a long time...We are very sad here because our lovely cat Lucy is missing!! Simon is wondering what has happened to her. Sandy
Dear Terry, I am so irked at myself for forgetting about the Hallmark movie. Really I am. I told my daughter about it and that I was going to watch it and was looking forward to it! Oh well, what can't be cured must be endured..grin. ONe of my very favorite Hallmark movies is 'What the Deaf Man Heard' have you watched that one? I got the living room put back together this morning after I put up the tree yesterday. I got up this a.m. and took one look at the l.r. and said...ugh! The tree must be moved...it was wrecking the whole room where I had put it. So, everything is sitting pretty again, and I even got some outdoor work done. We are supposed to get some bad weather tomorrow. Except for perhaps a 'real' tree down in our new family room..I'm pretty much done decorating. I like the results but I don't like the work part =(. Whew, can I make the messes...just ask my hubby. When I cook I use every pan and spoon I can get my hands on it seems..grin. Hey, he loves me anyway...thankfully. Hope you are having a very good day, take care! I send warm Christmas Greetings to you and your Lady Katherine!
Hi Terry-
I've been sadly neglecting my posts and reading all my favourite blogs lately, so my apologies for taking so long to swing by and visit.
I hope all is well with you (and Bernie too!) and that the Lord is keeping you well!
Miss Terry,
You have such a special way to give wonderful compliments to your friends. What wonderful pictures and you have them so beautifully displayed.
You are quite a gal.
With the Joy of Jesus Inside,
Susan Adams
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