i decided that seeing as it is spring, i had better dust the cow webs from my blog and announce to all the world that nathan is SIXTEEN years old on this first day of spring and on a ruby tuesday!

for sure and this little guy HAS come a long way..nathan's favourite colour is yellow and so here he is placed in yellow!

this was nathan on his last year's birthday when he turned 15...he does NOT like cake and so i guess he will have to share the googled in birthday cake with his pal, jacob..

mrs. mac said..."his (favorite) 5-6th grade teacher has moved up and is now his 8th grade teacher. He is so happy to trek off to school each morning and is continually making progress. His in home therapy has ended as he met all of his goals. Now he spends two afternoon/evenings a week receiving developmental therapy in a group setting with a new set of goals. This is a BIG deal for him .. considering that only a year ago he would barely set foot inside the building. His comfort level has greatly increased. My once introverted son is comfortable enough to dance to music in front of his peers. Praising God for His goodness!"

mrs. mac said.."today was his second Sunday attending church with me .. in the adult church .. he has sat quietly by my side during the entire service .. soaking in some of God's word .. listening to praise and worship music. This is something I have prayed for for several years .. Words are not adequate for what is taking place.jan 2011"
praise to the lord!

mrs. mac said, "Most days find our son, Nathan, somewhat apprehensive and shy. That is ... until ... he turns on some music and starts dancing (spinning) .. non stop until he either wears himself out ... or I purposely 'unplug' him. Sometimes it's a struggle for the rest of the family to 'endure' another playing of 'Little GTO' ... or ... surfin' 60's music, or The Monster Mash, as he can listen to the same selection over and over. Thank goodness when we built our home I had six inch walls stuffed with insulation and solid wood doors put on the bedroom doorways On the bright side .. Nathan often sings along with the music ... helping him to practice his speech. My once un-intelligibly voiced son is starting to string three and four word sentences together. Music ... soothes the savage beast (so I've heard) ... and brings out the best in Nathan. Normally, loud noise sets him off in a tizzy ... but not so with music .. to him it's a white noise pleasure. BTW ... I have to frequently change the furniture placement so as not to wear a hole in the carpet."
haaaa..haaaa mrs. mac!

"I no longer live and breath in fear and for that, I praise God. Nathan continually brings home notes from his teacher that he had a good day. He plays hard at P.E. ... is learning to use his iPad for communication at school, attends an after school program twice a week .. and is awaiting anxiously for spring so he can start his developmental (horseback) riding lessons. And this from a boy that had to be pulled through the horse barn just two years ago at the fair! A few summers ago he 'went through' three or four summer camp aides ... two days of Nathan was enough to send them looking for another job or be reassigned. That's the summer we met Miss Paula (an interventionist).. and our journey began with IBI.
If you are the parent of a special needs child needing behavior modifications, have a talk with your pediatrician by mentioning your concerns. We would have never gotten help had I not spoken up during a routine yearly medical exam; that's when our doctor recommended IBI."

mrs. mac finishes, "
Thankful for one left in the nest. After Ann moved out in May, I have come to discover it would be pretty lonely around here without any youngins at home. Nathan (the possessor of an extra chromosome) is perpetually youthful and adds great joy to life. To be so young at heart .. always .. is a gift beyond measure.
Every part of life is a season. I think the empty nest phase would be quite .. well empty without our special needs son. So thankful God knew we needed him before he was born. Even with all of his challenges, life adds a richness that would be lacking without him.
In God's infinite wisdom .. He has blessed us and given us reason to have joy as we enter the golden stage of life.
it's a miracle he's growing up so strong and healthy .. full of life .. and a blessing to all who know him. Thank you Lord for the honor of being his mom."
it would really be worth your while to read the 64 posts that mrs. mac has of her special boy...oh she has a rich store of his story!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR NATHAN!!....love mr. bernie and miss terry
What a sweet post, Ms Terry! So obvious your love for Nathan and his mamma....love you,sister!
Happy birthday Nathen. Tons and tons of God 's blessings upon you.
Aunt Terry has made you such a super birthday post. I love all the pictures specially the one with your pet, guess what Sheeba likes it too.
So good spring is coming around Terry. Herer its the dreaded hot summer, but its still OK. April onwards will be tot hot hot.
Take care
Happy birthday, Nathan! Beautiful pictures especially when he was a baby:)
Visiting for RT-2! Hope you can stop by:)
Oh Miss Terry, I'm such a late party pooper over here! You have pieced together the best card and wishes for Nathan .. I will be sure to have him listen to the beach music when he gets home from school. Blessings to you Auntie Terry and Uncle Bernie .. Nathan loves you back.
Great tribute to one of God's chosen children (and his marvelous Mom).
Together the trinity has moved mountains.
I praise the Lord for his faithfulness.
And send all my best wishes to Nathan.
Terry, this is your best birthday salute ever!
Happy Birthday, Nathan. Even if it is late, I still want to wish it and hope you will forgive me for my lateness.
M&M, you have a precious jewel in this boy. May the Lord continue to bless you both.
That accidently posted. I was off looking for my new-to-me song that my blogging friend, Sandee, taught me.
Here goes,
♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Nathan,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪We all love you,♪♪
♪♪God loves you too!♪♪
Dear Terry you really are a sweetheart. This post is so sweet...
So Happy Spring!
And Happy 16th birthday, Nathan!
What a wonderful blog entry. I so enjoyed. What a birthday treat for the young guy!!!!
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