Today was a sad Ruby Tuesday for Shopper, Bernie's little sweetheart.
That conceited cat actually thought that he was in for a Grammy, all because of that Ruby Tuesday post of him a few weeks ago!
He sent in these pictures of himself, lying on his ruby red musical flying carpet with high hopes.
He posed as pretty as he could!
No smile!
He looked straight into his father's camera.
No smile!
Even wearing those bright green contact lenses did nothing to gain him favour!
Perhaps, if he had only attempted a wee smile, maybe he would have at least got an Honourable mention, eh?
Poor little Shopping News lays in a dejected heap covered with the papers that tell the sad tale of his life!
Maybe next year Shopper, when you learn to smile!
On a more serious note my friend, Mel from Philippines gave me this verse to put on to my post.
As I don't know how to paste and copy what he has on his post, I have tried to put it here as best that I can.
John 3:16 is the gospel in a nut shell!
Thanks Mel http://melavilaalarilla.blogspot.com/ for letting me use this on Ruby Tuesday!
‘For God so loVed the world,
That He gAve
His onLy
That whosoever
Believeth In Him
Should Not perish,
But have Everlasting life.’John 3:16
even without a smile he's such a good looking guy
Dear Terry,
Shopper is a cool, tough guy.
He only smile when no one can see him.
Oh, I know his likes.
Next year he should wear sunglasses, then people would not be frightened by his stern look.
He can have a pair of mine.
Happy Ruby Cat's Day
From Felisol
Terry, you are the best of blogger friends giving me that bunch of roses. I will blog about it ASAP and put it up in my sidebar! Thank you very much! The rest of your blog is hilarious - your sweet Shopper on the red carpet, Ha! Happy Valentine's Day to you! :)
He's a grand kitty! And that magic carpet of his is superb. I'd sure like to hear some of his music and singing, perhaps he could join the Meowy Christmas choir? I have a CD with classical Xmas songs performed by cats and it's a winner (well, no Grammy so far but still) every year!
Miss Shopper looks very content on his ruby carpet.
He would be the star of the musical Cats.
No Grammy?!? Why, can't Shopper sing? At least he can look super cool on the red carpet. :)
Terry, I posted your roses on my blog! :)
Poor Shopper...maybe he should borrow a pair of Felisol's sunglasses then he would be one cool cat!
Love the Valentine scripture from Mel...Wow!!! I will be sure to pass it on. I can't copy and paste either, so i will have to do as you did.
Aren't you clever! Of course if you smile and laugh a little, especially laugh AT the cat it will smile back. Adi actually laughs with us.
I do think he's smiling under those newspaper covers. It's a tired smile.
Happy RT! Mine is barely red, we are eating and shopping some more.
awwww ... what a loveable looking sweetie that is!
can we borrow him to pet for a while?
Awww, poor kitty. Maybe next time, eh? Happy Ruby Tuesday! Mine is late.
Hi Terry,
Yes, that's good enough if you don't know how to copy and paste. Actually it's quite easy. To copy, just highlight what you want to copy with your cursor (mouse). Then press control and the letter c on your keypad and the highlighted verse is already copied. To paste, just go to your blog page where you post and press control and the letter v and the copied paragraph is pasted. It's as easy as that. Anyway, we learn new things as we go on blogging. Just ask from those who know and you can improve your blogging skills. Thanks for posting this tag. It's for the Lord. God bless you always.
Happy Valentine's Day, Terry , Bernie & Shopper!
*hugs* :D
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