
here is the georgian home of amazing grace man aka grandpaw ron aka paparon, and today it is an exciting day...it is brittani's 13th birthday.
as you can see grandpaw ron's is a home of faith where there is plenty of room for the lord...you can see the rules that his house lives by and they are certainly good rules!
princess is very proud of these rules because it makes for a very happy and peaceful household!

now as i was saying, it is brittani's 13th birthday but alas i missed taylor's birthday on may the 16th and so to be fair, i am going to celebrate her belated birthday today and i really don't think that her sweet sister, brittani will mind at all!
so...... first of all,,,,

happy birthday brittani and welcome to the world of being a teenager!
i can see that paparon will have to keep a good eye on you..you have gotten so pretty!
trust me, that princess will have a hand in this too...!
and now for taylor, the little girl who all of us were praying for two years or so years ago..you seem very well and happy and it is your turn...

happy happy belated birthday sweet heart!
are you ten years old already?

and now this guy here really deserves a tongue lashing!
his sweet granddaughters who he has adopted[with the lord's help] as his own will be a bit disappointed in him for sure!
just look what he did right behind my back!
for sure and look what he DID!
he has swiped a big hunk of this lovely birthday cake that i had googled in especially for brittani and tayor and cole and noah[if they are at the celebration] and princess!
NOT NICE amazing grace man aka grandpaw ron aka paparon...not nice at all!
and by the looks of this fellow, i think he had something to do with the bad deed too!
we will surely have to sic princess on the two of them!
anyways girls...i wish you both a happy birthday and may the lord bless you!
you are the joy of your paparon's heart and the sunshine of his life....love mrs. terry and mr. bernie
Happy Birthday to all!
Happy birthday to the lovely sisters and a hurray for grandpaw Ron as well.
aww Happy Birthday to everyone! Today is my MIL's Birthday too PLUS JOY OF ALL JOYS, my daughter had her son today!!!! 8 lbs 13 oz, 19" long :)
Happy birthday Britanni.
All the cards are so delightful
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