Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hey Jada Gigi..How About My Concert Memories on This Ruby Tuesday

two weeks ago bernie and i attended a southern gospel concert in niagara falls. the dixie melody boys quartet have always been one of our favourites'... my friend jada gigi suggested that i make a ruby tuesday post and so i have chosen a few pictures to download. as you can see by this picture, the concert auditorium was just swimming with bright red chairs.
this young man who sings with the "proverbs", is making sure with the sound man that everything is up to par with the music. i must say that their bright smiling faces go very well in a happy ruby post!
i pulled this song out of you tube, and the music man did a good job here....just as he had done in niagara falls! of course the boys WERE missing their fine red ties[except for ed o'neal] and the poppies!
this fine looking couple seem almost royalty. ed o'neal and his lovely wife had spent time during the day discovering niagara falls and they really enjoyed themselves. they are just surrounded by ruby and the little lady even sports a wine coloured vest, which goes very well with ed's tie and the poppies!
now THIS is the photo that jada gigi[cheryl] suggested i post. here i am with my beloved quartet...."the dixie melody boys"... have a happy ruby tuesday everybody and may god bless you all....love terry

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Relatives From Iowa on a Bright Ruby Day

it surely was a bright ruby tuesday...we found this bee resting on the hood of the little red car.
when the iowan family came for a visit, betty and john's house was opened for them..the belzners have always has an open house for everyone..just as they had for our adopted sister donna last october.
here teddy's wife lois sits beside sister in law grace..when lois came into the golden family, it was quite a surprise that she and grace shared the same birthday,july 26..lois looks very nice in her ruby red jacket, eh?
mom golden was in all her glory..so happy to be part of the gang..alas!..as for dad golden, it was way passed his bedtime and so he was sound asleep and probably snoring at home!...rachel and the little doggie seem to be enjoying gramma golden's company!
yummie...ruby red pizza.....
and ruby red lasagna prpeared in a slow cooker..
enjoyed by uncle bernie and matthew[betty and john's son].
john an betty and their two "babies"..ha!
rachel, uncle bernie's pride and joy.
lois teddy's wife and our little rainbow girl, ivey, and ashley, teddy's and lois's girl.
mom golden's second, third, and fourth children, gary, terry and teddy.
little rainbow ivey and jeffory[teddy and lois's boy]
ashley was born in southern ontario but now she is a iowa prairie girl!
lttle john belzner and his friends, katie and molly.
although there were many people at the belzner home....
this empty chair says, "there's always room for one more"!
heads are bowed as teddy gives thanks to the lord for all of the bountiful gifts the lord has given to us and an especial thanks for the gift of the lord jesus christ and eternal life.
happy ruby tuesday everyone until next week and may the lord bless you all as he has surely blessed the golden family..love terry

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dad Golden..the Rest of the Story on a Ruby Tuesday

when i was going through the hundreds of photos that mom golden has, it was really hard to pick which ones to post...there were still so many that i decided to do another post and try to get in a lot of red for ruby tuesday and so here they are!
this is the family when we lived in our beloved manitoba...the family that mom and dad golden brought back to ontario.. back row...gary teddy terry betty.. second row gracie sandra gail ..front row the two babies born on the prairies..david  karen.. lots of red in these pictures, eh.?....  and so now i will just post some more pictures and at the end tell you a little story.

now here is the little story i must tell you.. do you see this man?
well one day he dcided to lose weight and so this is what he did!
the BEFORE picture....
....the plan!
and the AFTER picture!
the certificate..
his successful story even made the news...hmm...i wonder if dad golden ever asked susan saint james for her autograph?
and so happy ruby tuesday dad golden and everybody else...love terry